What is Multifamily Real Estate? And Why is it a Good Investment?

Have you ever gone on a cruise?  Marshall took me on one for our honeymoon.  It was a 5 day cruise with stops at Catalina Island, San Diego, and Ensenada, Mexico. I had never been on a cruise before.  What do you do on a cruise?  All I knew was what my friends told me:  make sure you walk around a lot because the buffets are really good.

There was so much more to the cruise than just the buffet.  We went on walking tours of Catalina, San Diego, and Ensenada. Marshall entered us in the free throw contest on the basketball court, and I took him to an aerobics class. We won the 5 days of exercise award, and were given a t-shirt. It was a fun way to stay healthy and not gain  5 pounds because my friends were right: the buffets were fabulous.

That is the way I felt about investing in multifamily real estate.  There are so many options, so many opportunities, how do you choose? How do you stay financially healthy? First, you have to understand what multifamily real estate investing is.

So, what is multifamily real estate investing? It is as simple as it sounds.  It refers to housing for multiple families. It could be as small as a duplex or as large as a major apartment complex. It could be as simple as a couple of units with no amenities, or as elaborate as a development complete with all the bells and whistles that the large complexes can offer.

What do you need to know to be able to invest wisely? I chose 7 areas of information that are essential when investing passively in multifamily real estate investments. I have named these the Seven Seas of Multifamily Real Estate Investing. I want to make multifamily real estate investing a journey you may want to consider.  Do I know all the answers?  No, but I can provide some good resources for you to read and investigate. A map of sorts to the Seven Seas of Multifamily Investing. 

What are the port calls on this cruise of the Seven Seas?

  • Passive Income / Cash Flow 
  • Property Appreciation
  • Hedge against Inflation
  • Tax Benefits
  • Scalability   
  • Economies of Scale  
  • Professional Property Management 

In upcoming articles, we will make a stop at each one of these ports, do a short walking tour, and leave with a few resources. We want these topics to be more navigable, and you more comfortable and confident in any future investments. The more information you have, and the more you read and understand, the wiser your investment decisions will be.

Capitano Investing Group can help you navigate the uncharted waters of real estate investing. Let’s set sail together and explore the Seven Seas of Multifamily Investing.

Cindy Sykes
Capitano Investing Group

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