
Captain Your Wealth
Captain Your Wealth

Create passive income by investing in multifamily real estate.

"Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.”

-Russell Sage

Passive Income

Passive Income

investment diversification

Investment Diversification

no time committment

No Time Commitment

Invest Smarter, Not Harder

Diversify By Investing in Real Estate and Other Real Assets.

Relying on the stock market alone doesn't provide enough diversification for your wealth.

Protect Your Cash, Hedge Your Investments
Against Inflation.

Keeping large amounts of cash in the bank doesn't protect against declining purchasing power during periods of inflation.

No Time? No Problem. Passively Invest And
Let Us
Do The Work.

Busy professionals have limited time to actively manage a real estate portfolio. Invest with us and let the general partners do the work.

invest smarter, not harder

Owning Real Estate Has Never Been More Easy.

1 - Connect With Us

Connect with Capitano

Let’s connect and have a conversation so we can understand which investments may work best for your portfolio and to answer any questions you have about multifamily real estate investing. We will email you new deal alerts when we have new opportunities under contract.

2- Invest Via Our Investor Portal

invest with us

The Capitano Investor Portal showcases all of our investment opportunities and is the platform where investments can be made. We will help you understand the details of each property so you can select a property that compliments your portfolio.

3 - Sit Back and Enjoy

enjoy life

After you invest, enjoy periodic cash flow and property appreciation without having to do the work of managing rental property. We will email you monthly updates on the property’s performance.


Why Passively Invest In Multifamily Real Estate?

Capitano Investing Group - Simple and easy

Enjoy the benefits of adding real estate to your portfolio without the headache of being a landlord. We’ll do the hard work, just sit back and relax.

Capitano Investing Group - Less risk, better returns

Real estate investments typically out perform the stock market providing more consistent returns and less risk over the long term, even in volatile markets.

Capitano Investing Group - Tax Benefits

Take advantage of favorable tax benefits through cost segregation analysis and accelerated depreciation.

Capitano Investing Group - Hedge against inflation

As inflation rises so does the value of real estate as it generally keep up with inflation. Rents can also be increased with inflation, allowing further protection during inflationary periods.

Capitano Investing Group - Create passive income

Get invested and enjoy regular cash distributions with no time commitment or work. All of our properties are in good hands with reputable property management companies.

Capitano Investing Group - appreciation

Multifamily Real Estate increases in value through forced appreciation and market appreciation. Forced Appreciation occurs when adopting a Value-Add Strategy. Market Appreciation for a Multifamily property occurs when there is increased demand for apartments and not enough supply for the demand.

Why Invest with Capitano Investing Group?

25+ years experience

In real estate ownership and real estate investing.

Capitano Investing Group - Strategic Partners

With 8,000+ units under care and vast knowledge.

30+ years experience project mgmt

Facilities asset management, contracts management and organizational leadership experience.

Capitano Investing Group - Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Multifamily units as a Limited Partner and General Partner, 14 deals valued at over $350M.

Capitano Investing Group - We Care
And Because We are Real People, Driven By Our Passion To Make a Difference In the Lives of Others

We believe in making a positive impact for the lives and communities we touch. That includes our investors and the families that call our properties home. We believe in using our collective power for good and to make the world a better place to live, work and grow.


"Real estate investing is something Cindy and I are truly passionate about. Growing up in a family that built homes, my roots run deep and I have seen first hand how real estate investing can completely transform your financial picture by providing consistent passive income cash flow, enabling individuals to break away from their traditional 9- 5 jobs and accelerate wealth."

- Marshall Sykes, Co-founder & Managing Partner

Free Resource - Top 5 Investment Criteria for Multifamily Deals

Learn the investment criteria we use to analyze multifamily investment opportunities. Join our mailing list and get our Top 5 Investment Criteria for Multifamily Deals.

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